Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Seven Major Currencies Pairs

Major Currency Pairs

Just like there are small investors and large investors, there are small currencies and large currencies. In general, currencies are “large” or “small” depending on how popular they are with investors and traders in the foreign exchange market.

The Seven Major Currencies

The majors are the seven currency pairs that dominate the market. At present, the majors are found in 85% of all currency trades, making them very important to the foreign exchange market.
These seven major currency pairs are:
EUR/USD – Euro vs. US Dollar
USD/JPY – US Dollar vs. Japanese Yen
GBP/USD – Great British Pounds vs. US Dollar
AUD/USD – Australian Dollar vs. US Dollar
USD/CHF – US Dollar vs. Swiss Frank
USD/CAD – US Dollar vs. Canadian Dollar
NZD/USD – New Zealand Dollar vs. US Dollar
You’ll notice that these currencies represent some of the world’s biggest economies; they’re the “majors” for exactly this reason. Also, each contains the US Dollar on one side of the pair—the US Dollar is the biggest currency in foreign exchange.
In a coming article about firms on the forex market, we’ll discuss international giants like Walmart, or Coca-Cola. Big businesses that operate internationally – but are based in a single country – have to use the forex market to trade currencies.
Knowing that there are many thousands of multi-national companies, we know that there are many businesses that have to trade their currencies for one another. Also, we can infer that the countries that are home to large, international businesses would also make up a greater portion of the total foreign exchange pool.

The majors make up a total of 80% of all the goods and services produced each year. They also make up 85% of all foreign exchange transactions.
As you can see, not only are the major pairs a very big part of the foreign exchange market, but they’re actually a proportionally larger part than the smaller, less popular currencies. After completing your studies here at ForexOnlineLearning, you’ll probably trade the majors. Get to know them well!

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